Protection of whistleblowers

Protection of whistleblowers

The direction covers current trends and developments in the field of criminal justice, popularization of the whistleblower's role in solving criminal crimes and other important aspects of this topic that strengthen the state's ability to fight the challenges of wartime.


Development and piloting of a national system of providing psychological assistance to whistleblowers in the war and post-war period

Within the scope of this pilot project, we analyzed the national legislation and found that the norm, which provides for the right of a whistleblower to receive psychological assistance, is declarative, in Ukraine there is no mechanism and tools for providing such assistance to whistleblowers, psychologists for the most part do not know and do not understand the role of the whistleblower in society In this regard, we developed the concept of providing psychological assistance to whistleblowers, where we determined the directions of development of this area and outlined the ways that can be implemented in Ukraine. We also analyzed the best practices of providing such assistance to whistleblowers in foreign countries. We also developed methodological recommendations for providing psychological assistance to whistleblowers for psychologists and separately for compliance officers and law enforcement officers. And, as a result, 4 trainings were held (two for psychologists, two for compliance officers and law enforcement officers) together with representatives of the National Association of Psychologists of Ukraine regarding the basic understanding of what challenges a whistleblower may face and what skills psychologists and compliance officers should have when communicating with whistleblowers. The project was implemented with the support of the Anti-Corruption Initiative of the European Union in Ukraine.

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Strengthening the capacity of NACP in the areas of exposing corruption risks, finding assets and working with whistleblowers during the reconstruction of Ukraine

With the aim of whistleblowers’ protection in this project, we prepared analytical study: "Experience and best practices of working with persons who report illegal assets and extending whistleblower status to them"; an analytical review of Ukrainian legislation regarding the status of persons reporting assets, in particular in the criminal proceedings and according to the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions"; methodological recommendations on the application of whistleblowers’ protection legislation to persons who report assets. In addition, a project of amendments to the legislation on the extension of whistleblower’s status to persons reporting assets has been developed.

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Online course "Protecting the rights of whistleblowers"

The online course provides an opportunity to learn how every citizen can fight corruption and why the interaction of anti-corruption officers and whistleblowers is very important in this process.

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