Our team

Our team consists of leading experts, scientists and practitioners in the field of anti-corruption, integrity and institutional development.

Oksana Bronevytska

Chairman of the Board

Oksana has more than 15 years of work experience in the field of criminal justice, 15 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions, a lawyer, an expert in the introduction of procedural interviews in the work of national law enforcement agencies, protection of the rights of whistleblowers, and international criminal law. Author of more than 80 scientific and educational and methodological works, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor.

Kateryna Datsko

Executive director

Kateryna is a candidate of economic sciences and a master of law, has more than 8 years of experience in the field of higher education and project management. At the National Agency on Corruption Prevention she was the lead in the direction of professional development of anti-corruption officers in the public sector. In addition, Kateryna participated in the strategic analysis of corruption risks in the field of higher education and is the author of 4 online courses and more than 15 scientific and methodical works in the field of anti-corruption. She is also an experienced trainer in anti-corruption compliance, corruption risk management and building a virtuous environment of organizations based on international standards.

Anna Fedorenko

Project manager

Anna has 8 years of experience in the field of prevention and detection of corruption. Anna worked as an anti-corruption officer in the judiciary. At the National Agency on Corruption Prevention Anna implemented the policy of institutional development and professional development of anti-corruption officers. In addition, she analyzed corruption risks in priority areas of public administration. Anna has experience in developing more than 10 educational programs and launching 4 online courses in the field of anti-corruption compliance. She is an experienced trainer in anti-corruption compliance, corruption risk management and whistleblowers protection.

Julia Lomzhets

Project manager

Yulia is a candidate of political sciences, head of the NGO "Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine". She has 15 years of scientific and teaching experience, has worked for 10 years in the public sector, is the author of more than 30 scientific works, including on the topic of anti-corruption and the role of a leader in anti-corruption of the organization, protection of human rights. She is also an expert in assessing corruption risks in the system of higher education, local self-government bodies, researching the role of the manager in the anti-corruption work of the organization.

Andriy Prepodobniy

Expert of the Foundation

Andrii is an expert in the field of corruption risk analysis of local self-government bodies. He has experience in developing and conducting seminars, lectures for improving the qualifications of employees of local self-government bodies, state authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations. He worked in the Regional Representative Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights in the Rivne region, where he organized and conducted monitoring visits and inspections of state authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations on human rights issues. He also worked at the National Agency on Corruption Prevention in the areas of coordination of authorized divisions of local authorities and approval of anti-corruption programs. Has experience in strategic analysis of corruption risks in the provision of humanitarian aid during a full-scale war, preschool and full general secondary education. Participated in the preparation of the project of the anti-corruption program of the local self-government body of the territorial community, identification and assessment of corruption risks in the activities of local self-government bodies.

Olena Karpova

Expert of the Foundation

Olena is a lawyer by profession, has 10 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions and 9 years of public service in the field of prevention and detection of corruption. During her work at the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Olena was involved in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of whistleblower protection, audit of anti-corruption compliance in state and local self-government bodies, development and implementation of trainings and educational courses on the protection of whistleblower rights and the formation of a culture of whistleblowing for anti-corruption commissioners, lawyers, judges and police officers. Olena is an expert in the field of civil service, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption compliance, whistleblower protection, and integrity trainer.

Anna Neodnycha

Communication manager

Anna helps public organizations gain their own "voice" in a world full of information. Responsible for the development and implementation of the Foundation's communication strategy, managing social networks, drafting and sending press releases, articles, blogs and other communication materials. Also creates unique designs and provides effective communication in order to raise awareness, attract the target audience and maintain a positive image of the Foundation.