Results of the training 2.0 for the heads of local self-government "Tone At The Top: anti-corruption management and development of a integrity environment of the body"
The training "Tone At The Top: anti-corruption management and development of a integrity environment of the body" for leader of local self-government bodies of the southern and eastern regions was held ✅
Conference 'Trauma in Whistleblowing'
On 27th February 2024, the expert of the Foundation for Institutional Development, Oksana Bronevytska, plans to participate as a speaker in the first ever Parrhesia Inc conference exploring 'Trauma in Whistleblowing', and share the experience of ‘Building a Responsive Counselling Capacity in Ukraine’.
Results of the training for compliance officers "Organization and control of anti-corruption activities during reconstruction"
On December 13, the Foundation for Institutional Development held a training "Organization and control of anti-corruption activities during reconstruction" for twenty motivated compliance officers of local self-government bodies to teach them how to effectively organize anti-corruption work and perform work functions stipulated by the professional standard.
Results of the training for the heads of local self-government "Tone At The Top: anti-corruption management and development of a virtuous environment of the body"
An integrity leader in local self-government is a key factor in creating a sustainable, transparent and successful community. We managed to gather such leaders at the training "Tone At The Top: anti-corruption management and development of a virtuous environment of the body", which was held on December 12 in Lviv.
The Day of Local Self-Government
The Foundation for Institutional Development supports local governments in their efforts to become virtuous, efficient and sustainable.
Two-day offline training "Features of providing legal assistance to whistleblowers of corruption"
Whistleblowing is one of the most effective ways to detect and prevent corruption. Whistleblowers need not only courage to expose, but confidence that the state will protect them. The system of free legal aid plays an important role in the legal protection of whistleblowers.